So we turn up to the theater in Montreal half an hour before the screening. There is a massive line waiting for THE DEVIL DARED ME TO stretching around the block. So me and Chris go get our picture taken with some of the crowd, stoked that so many hundreds of people have turned up. Packed house is assured.
We go off to a bar to have a few drinks with some of the other film makers. Then the fest organisor an awesome dude named MITCH gets a phone call.
BACK at the DEVIL screening BOMB SCARE!!! PANIC!!! COPS!!!
Thousands of people out on the street. EVACUATED. No one knows what's going on. It was CRAZY. By now the crowd had been waiting two hours for DEVIL. No guarantee it would play at all. NO EXPLOSIONS, NO FIRE, LOTS OF WAITING.
TWO HOURS later the BOMB dudes had sniffed every level and every seat and there was no BOMB!!!!!! and no MASSIVE EXPLOSION!!! no one was DEAD OR DYING!!
Zero people were INJURED AND BLEEDING!!!. CAUSLITIES didn't exist.
However close to a thousand people were pretty bored.
The crowd that had been waiting for FOUR HOURS finally got in to see our FILM.
We kept our opening remarks brief.
The film started and from start to finish it went down awesomely. There was laughing and yelling. It was wicked. DEVIL ended to massive and elongated applause.
Now during the picture we had sent a friend to get us a couple of secret beers. Not realising they were about 10 percent alcohol by the end of the picture we were a little DRUNK. So the Question and Answer was interesting.
At one point to prove he was the STUNTMAN as well as director. Chris performed a running jump at the front row. CRASHING two rows back in a painful heap. When he got up I got the audience chanting for him to do it again. Which he reluctantly did. This time even bigger. It was fucking funny as fuck.
So yeah the film went down awesome. Random people keep coming up to me on the street and saying how much they love it. So now we know Americans, Canadians and New Zealanders love the film. Next stop GERMANY.
In other news yesterday i got confused between my ASPIRIN and VALIUM had a few to many and had a weird day of 'out of itness' not helped by lunchtime beers.
SO it was in a heavily drugged out state that I attended MURDER PARTY which was a cool low budget horror comedy. I was really enjoying it but fell asleep and snored loudly. Woke up to STAPP telling me to shut the fuck up. I will have to see that film again in a less sedated state. What I saw I loved.
Then we went to UWE BOL'S new flick POSTAL he is the much maligned director of video game conversion movies like BLOOD RAYNE and HOUSE OF THE DEAD. Recently he challenged his most hardened critics to boxing matches. They played a trailer to the doco on that before the screening. It looks funny as.
Anyway POSTAL was super violent and super dodgy. It was really fun with some kick arse gags. I mean it was fully retarded in parts but I like that. The opening gag will probably get UWE shot in the USA.
The Q and A was funny. With UWE talking about how shit and boring FLAGS OF OUR FATHERS is.
Then we all went out for diner. On the way a homeless dude fell and smacked his head hard on the pavement. UWE made a good dude of himself by helping the guy, nursing him back to health and calling an ambulance. It was very amusing. The critics can say what they want about his films but the dude is a humanitarian.
So yeah off to another film of UWE's today DUNGEON SIEGE.
Oh yeah and THE DEVIL DARED ME TO was so popular and slightly fucked over by terrorism a repeat screening is booked for midnight sunday night and it is free to all so make sure if you are in MONTREAL you come along. This time Chris can set himself on fire in the Q and A.
cheers Matt
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