'The Devil Dared Me To' is so god damn close to being finished. Currently the sound designers, graders, ADRers, composers and various associtaed dudes are working round the clock. Every day this turd gets more and more polished. By the time 'Devil' screens in Austin it's going to be the smoothest shiniest turd in all the world. The lucky few who get in to those premiere screenings at the almo downtown should wear sun glasses to protect their eyeballs from the intence glare.
In other news work has begun on 'The Devil Dared Me To' soundtrack album. We have got tracks from 'Head Like A Hole', Sticky Filth, The Mockers and of course the mighty 'Deja Voodoo'.
Oh yeah that's right this just to hand. The band is going to SXSW also. We are playing at an Austin bar called 'Beerland' on march the 18th.
To show how appropriate it is that we are playing at place called 'Beerland' here is the video to our song 'Beers'
cheers matt
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