Monday, May 7, 2007


As you know the Devil Dared Me To is only just in the can and is awesome. But me Chris are so hard working and motivated that we have already started research for our next feature film. The title content and backing of this amazing future project are all completely top secret and as we have no money for it just yet it may not ever happen. But just check out the amount of research we are doing.

Thursday, May 3, 2007


Contrary to popular belief up until today 'The Devil Dared Me To' has been a video. Not a film. It was shot on the Panasonic HD format known as Vericam. So essentially it was a flash as fuck video. On set Chris our nut busting director would get really angry if any one called it a film. He would go 'It's a video you fucking cunts'.
Anyway today I watched it as a film for it has been blown up to 35mm.
And boy does it look good. It looks like a bought one. And boy oh boy do I look good projected on a huge screen.
SO to recap the Devil Dared Me To is now a film and not a video.

In other news 'The Devil Dared Me To' will be screening at Frightfest in London in August. So if you live there you should fully go its awesome.

Read this review
Devil Review

Here is a picture of my son Charlie